Banner stands and pop up displays are among the most versatile convention materials. They can be utilized as a whole booth in themselves or can be added to larger units for more depth or a quick update. Few companies realize that their potential goes far beyond that: their versatility allows them to transition easily off the convention floor entirely. One of the best uses for them is as a point of sale display, helping promote your most recent sale or newest merchandise.

Box-Type Unit
Inexpensive And Multipurpose Banner Stands
Banner stands have come a long way since their first design styles. They have become more durable, more functional, and more attractive. Yet they are still among the least expensive trade show exhibits, in addition to being some of the most highly portable options. They are easy to store, and the graphics on them can be changed easily. This makes them a natural choice for a sales-based business.
You can purchase the stands and then customize the banners for each individual promotion. When you don't want them in use, simply fold down the banner stands and store them in your stockroom. They will take up only a small bit of space, and you won't have to worry about purchasing another unit when it's time for the next sale.
Pop Up Displays Add Depth To Sales Installations
Pop up displays are slightly more expensive than banner stands, but they also tend to be larger and have a more defining impact. Pop up displays are highly stylized and look very modern, with clean curves and sleek graphics. These units literally pop into place with almost no effort required to set them up. This makes them really useful for trade shows, but it's also helpful for sales exhibits.
Pop up displays tend to shine whenever you travel to sell your merchandise. Whether you showcase at purchase-oriented conventions or simply sell at a number of different locations, the flexibility and easy setup of pop up displays will be an advantage. The major disadvantage of these units is that changing their graphics is very difficult. They are formed by stretching canvas across a metal frame, and in order to change the graphics the canvas itself must be replaced. Because of this problem, these units are not recommended for a use where they will often have to have graphic changes. They are more suitable as a background for traveling sales, or for static information about your business. They don’t work very well when purchased to promote individual events.
Whether your store is in a mall or at a larger convention-style venue, the addition of these unexpected elements will draw attention to your products and help you move inventory. There are many ways to actually incorporate them into your setup, ranging from simply placing them nearby to actually organizing products around them. Whatever you ultimately choose, these inexpensive additions will help you reach and exceed your sales goals.

    Box-Type Unit
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